North American premieres | The Netherlands | 2017 | 68 min. | Multi-languages with subtitles
What’s it really like for a child to be a refugee or an immigrant? Meet four children who currently are through four short films. Benefits the Refugee & Immigrant Assistance Center (RIAC), which provides such services as refugee resettlement, asylee case management, counseling, outreach and education. Age 9-12 ($10).
Merna in the Spotlight by Mirjam Marks: Merna, a 10 year-old Christian girl originally from Iraq, now living as a refugee in Lebanon, wins a spot on Lebanon’s version of “The Voice” for kids.
Ahmad's Hair by Susan Koenen: Ahmad, a 12 year-old Syrian refugee, is busy integrating in Dutch society and trying to make friends. It turns out he's also on a personal, heartwarming mission.
Safia's Summer by Els van Driel: Safia, an 11 year-old refugee from Libya, lives in a refugee center where she feels lonely and tired of waiting for her family's residency papers. A week at a summer camp for other child refugees lifts her spirits and gives her hope.
The Children's Mayor by Susan Koenen: As an 11 year-old child mayor originally from Morocco, Yassine creates #WeAreConnected to encourage mutual understanding among different cultures.
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