Grab Your Pussy Back Retreat! This retreat represents the next level of detoxing like no other. It during this retreat you will have the opportunity to heal from sexual abuse, trauma and what I call Post Traumatic Pussy Disorder. You will learn to love your pussy as a temple, honor it and ensure nothing but worshipers enter it in the future. I am excited to offer you this course in my spiriutal country of Jamaica.
Before the retreat begins you will be given pre-retreat information to assist you in healing from sexual trauma. At the retreat I will share with you some of the rituals, and healing modalities I utilized to heal from Post Traumatic Pussy Disorder. Jamaica was chosen to assist you in getting your temple back because water is one of the most abundant and power elements for healing. Also, Jamaica has a wonderful vortex for receiving powerful energies from the the mineral springs, beaches and other momma water elements.
Get ready for a life changing event which will cement the healing you have already begun by admitting you have been a victim of sexual abuse and trauma. The next step is to invest in heaing your womb and transforming it from a tomb and into a temple.