About Us

Bottos Italian Line Restaurant is using this easy and safe way to purchase event tickets. You can get information and buy tickets online in a few minutes.

Why use this service?

  1. Purchase using your credit card from the comfort of your computer.

    You don’t need to pay cash for tickets anymore and you don’t need to leave home to buy tickets. We accept major credit cards. So just login to Bottos Italian Line Restaurant and purchase tickets on our secure ticketing website.
  2. Your plan has changed? Return your tickets.

    The key to getting a seat at one of our popular events is to reserve early. But we understand that long term planning may not always work. If you purchase a ticket and find out that you cannot attend, we will be happy to refund your tickets. (See our return policy). You can also put your tickets for Trade so others can find and buy your tickets.
  3. Don’t worry about shipping & and shipping cost.

    You can print your tickets and go directly to the door or we can deliver your tickets at the event. You can pickup your tickets at Bottos Italian Line Restaurant from 1 hour prior to the beginning of the event.