Event Information

The Accomplice
Live At The Brooks!

Online ticket sales for this event has ended. You may be able to buy tickets at the venue if available.

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Exchange / upgrade accepted within the same event (no money back) Click here to go to the event

Exchange / upgrade accepted up to 2 hours before the event.

Spanning both sides of the country, The Accomplice brings something different to the table. With Mitch hailing from Vancouver B.C. and Carn from Hamilton Ont, a new sound has emerged.
Mitch’s occasional Guitar and Bass sound comes from years of careful study of the masters. Professors Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughn and the incomparable Dire Straits taught Mitch patience and style that would prepare him for what was soon coming his way.
On a chance meeting at a lonely jobsite “Up North” The Accomplice found its footing. Outside a work camp, Mitch was to meet Carn and the world as we know it was to change.
Carn came from Ontario and landed in Alberta on a tour of the country. After being bored of his job and punk rock not living up to what it was supposed to be, he grabbed a hockey bag full of clothes, his guitar and came to see Canada. He had been in many different style of bands over the years and started to create something all his own. Thanks to bands like The Who, Pearl Jam and R.E.M. he found his groove.
Toss that together with a whole new world sounds that came from the west via Mitch, and you have The Accomplice.
We bring high energy sets, danceable tunes, and sing along covers. We will gently season the sets with original songs that blend right in with your favorites, and keep the house hoppin’ till last call everytime.

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