with thanks to our generous sponsors
\GriffonRawl MMA Academy
6090 Pinecone Dr.
Mentor, OH 44060
(440) 358-9371
$75 per person
The "Harden Your Will" Event is a collaboration between the SEAL Future Fund and Dynamis Alliance to raise money to provide resources to accellerate SEALs' transition to the civilian world. It is designed to instill the skills and mindset adopted by Navy SEALs throughout their training and operational experiences. Dom Raso, former Navy SEAL and Founder of Dynamis Alliance, presents his Dynamis Athletics program for the first time to the public. The event will start with a brief on mindset followed by some instructions on movement. This will be followed by an intense workout meant to blend together athletics, combatives, and firearm skills in the most efficient way possible. We will end the event with some after action assessment and hone skills that need the most work. Come harden your "will to fight" with fellow patriots!
Check out the video below and see what a previous training course with Dom was like!