Meet the Trainers: Gabi & Corin

1. Have you reached a point in your life where you realised that career alone is just not enough any more to make you happy? Is there a part of you...perhaps deep down...that is longing for a loving and committed relationship?
2. Or...are you in a relationship...but struggling? Are you having the same arguments over and over again? Do you want to know how to save your relationship from falling apart? Or do you want to discover whether you are in the right relationship?
Join us for a 2-day workshop on 9-10 November at Lancaster Gate to CREATE A LOVE LIFE YOU DESERVE!
Gabi and Corin both have many years of coaching behind them. Gabi is a Master Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner and Life Stage Specialist, whereas Corin is an NLP Trainer, Robbins-Madanes Coach and also studied Relationship Coaching with John Gottman among other things.
They are both passionate about making a difference in the world and to help individuals to transform their lives for the better. Interestingly in the last few years their interest turned towards relationships and solving related issues and that led them to partner up and design this workshop.
"I realised that many of my friends and clients were going through the same issues, same crisis and were genuinely struggling to find a happy and committed relationship. I`ve been there myself too, many years ago and I know how it feels. I used to say to myself: "I just haven`t met the right person yet" so "I `m just unlucky"...but after 5 years of struggling with short relationships, I ran out of ideas and I felt completely lost and frustrated.
Now I has nothing to do with luck. In this workshop I am going to share a universal pattern that has been around for thousands of years yet most people don`t recognise it. It will be a real eye-opener. All failed relationships in your past will begin make sense! You will discover WHY YOU HAVEN`T MET THE RIGHT PERSON YET...and many times it`s not your fault :). Then we will look at where you are, what unconscious patterns are at work and how you can move forward where you will be READY TO MEET your special we all deserve it:). " Gabi
This 2-day Workshop will be a mixture of Theory and Practical exercises that will enable you to:
- Understand yourself better in relationships.
- Learn to express your emotions in a way that will deepen connection rather than alienate the other person.
- Learn why your past relationships failed and how you can move forward.
- Reconnect with your feminine side.
- Understand men`s point of view.
- Get practical tools to manage your struggling relationship.
- Establish the next steps towards a loving, harmonious relationship.... AND MUCH MUCH MORE!