Event Information

The Judy and Barbra Show
Holiday Special

Online ticket sales for this event has ended. You may be able to buy tickets at the venue if available.

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Barbra is having a holiday party and discovers a wrapped present, inside are the Ruby slippers. With the help of the audience and some Christmas magic, they bring Judy Garland back from the grave for a one night only reunion and Holiday celebration like no other. Rip roaring comedy, jokes, iconic songs of the past and so much more fill this 1-hour stage show. You will hear classics like don't Rain on My Parade, Jingle Bells, Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas , and Over the rainbow.
“Summer and Barbra truly go BEYOND impersonation; this is more than a tribute show. They truly become these icons when they are on stage. This is a completely live vocal show with dazzling visual effects, replica costumes, lots of laughs, storytelling, and songs of the past. It promises to give the audience everything they expect from a Garland and Streisand show and maybe even a little more than they didn't know they needed. This show invites the audience to be a part of the show and there are in fact moments that include audience participation. “ - Callmeadam.com as seen in The New York Times.

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