Event Information

Fullmoon Healing Cacao Ceremony
with Arielle & Philippe Atman from Aotearoa - New Zealand

Online ticket sales for this event has ended. You may be able to buy tickets at the venue if available.

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Join Arielle & Philippe from New Zealand, on this Full moon and Total Lunar Eclipse for an evening of Heart and Cacao Medicine.

Together we co-create a Ceremonial Space to commune with the forces of Nature and our Mother Earth. Working with the Spirit of Cacao, we celebrate Life, remember and honor our Love, heal our sense of separation and affirm how we choose to be on this Earth right now.

Together we will share our song, prayer and intention for our personal journey as well as the wellbeing and awakening of our Collective and our beautiful Earth.

This will be a nurturing evening of connection, heart energy and empowered presence, for you to take into your life.

Cacao is a powerful medicine of our time, she assists in Healing and coming back to our Heart and the One Heart of All. She can assist us in connecting to the innate wisdom we have in our hearts and remind us of our connection with ourselves, with each other and all of life.

This evening is facilitated by Arielle & Philippe Atman from New Zealand, who bring their heart and soul to their ceremonies.
They are currently traveling the world with their 2 children, offering Workshops, Ceremonies and Retreats with a focus on Healing and Re-awakening, offering gratitude and prayer.
Coming directly from Bali, they bring Raw Cacao, which will be prepared into a delicious organic and vegan Cacao elixir.

Cacao, the raw form of what we know as chocolate, has been used as a tool in ceremony for centuries.
It has natural heart opening qualities, assists in ‘inner work’ and creative guidance.
This allows for a deeper, authentic love based connection with oneself, others, mother earth and all of life.

Arielle has been initiated into working with the spirit of Cacao
and brings her connection with the Earth Mother and the Sacred Feminine to her offerings. She is a Yoga and Meditation teacher, Energy Healer, and dedicated Mother of 2 who has been teaching classes, workshops and retreats since 1992.
Philippe has been a full-time Healing practitioner and Workshop facilitator for the last 20 years. His heart has always led him to seek the company of indigenous mentors, guiding him back to his own true essence.

Together they are holding space for connection, healing and transformation.

Entrance includes Vegan Cacao Elixir and Ceremony Facilitation with Philippe and Arielle

Door Sales: 25 Euros, For members of Spirit Berlin e.V. 18 Euros

~~ For legal reasons we have to inform that this is a private event of Spirit Berlin e.V.. Entry is for members and friends of the association ~~

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