Raggy Lighted 5' Garland
$18, plus tax/fees per project.
($15, plus tax/fees per additional 5' garland strands.)
Basic materials & instructions provided.
(one 5' light strand; scrap fabric in a variety of colors; tools needed to assemble; per project)
Your Materials List:
* (optional) 5' evergreen garland
* (optional) fabric, if you want a specific pattern.
* Additional cost for any materials used (with permission) and not presented on the SPECIFIC PROJECT TABLE.
Only 15 spots available.
Pre-register/Pre-Payment (click "going") to mark your spot on the facebook event page. Non-refundable, project materials will be provided for you to take with you when you are available.
You spot is secure by paying on the TICKET LINK only. Thank you.
Event located @
Serendipity Crafts & Vintage Collectibles.
220 E. 1st Street, Suite A
Cle Elum, Washington 98922
(Across side street from DQ.)