Event Information


Tickets are not available any more on South African Events Pty Ltd. You may be able to buy tickets at the venue if available.

Returns Policy:

All sales are final (No returns)

Exchange / Upgrade Policy:

No exchange



MONDAY 12 OCTOBER - Public Holiday

Join us for a great show with Robbie, Hamilton and Prop. They will be bringing some rugby fever to you as part of their Rugby World Cup Tour in Canada. And you will be invited to meet Robbie after the show for a good laugh and a beer. Maybe even an oppertunity to show us and Robbie around Vancouver.

Robbie is `n kunstenaar eie in sy soort. As akteur, sanger, liedjieskrywer en filmmaker  kan hy jou laat lê van die lag, maar jou ook dieper laat delf in die dinge van die lewe. `n Grapjas is hy beslis, maar dis ook daardie ander sielvolle kant wat hom oor die jare `n groot gunsteling onder Afrikaanse aanhangers gemaak het. Oorspronklik, humoristies, diep. Dit is die drie woorde waarmee Robbie Wessels se werk beskryf kan word.

You are welcome to bring your own food / snacks and softdrinks for the show. Please note that the venue only accommodates around 200 people. Get in quick to ensure that you have your ticket to this great show. Main level seating is at tables with 8 people at a table. Upper level seating is theatre style. No alcohol is allowed at the venue.

Event Flyer