Event Information

Steve Hofmeyr in Houston
25 Jaar se Beste

Tickets are not available any more on South African Events Pty Ltd. You may be able to buy tickets at the venue if available.

Returns Policy:

All sales are final (No returns)

Exchange / Upgrade Policy:

No exchange

Tickets from $35 - See below for children



After 25 years as one of the biggest stars in South Africa, Steve is bringing his best to Houston. The show includes all the biggest hits and also the popular covers of Neil Diamond and Kris Kristofferson. This is a "once in a lifetime" oppertunity to enjoy Steve in America.



Ná ’n kwarteeu as een van Suid-Afrika se mees suksesvolle en gerespekteerde kunstenaars, skenk Steve Hofmeyr sy aanhangers 25 JAAR SE BESTES – ’n monumentele 42-snit terugblik met treffer na treffer na treffer.

Opgewek, spontaan, omstrede, prettig, eerlik, oorspronklik en hoflik– so het ons hierdie grootse persoonlikheid leer ken. In twee verskillende meningspeiling is hierdie Pretoria-gebore, Bloemfontein-getoë bekende aangewys as die 32ste en 13de mees gewildste Suid Afrikaner ooit. Na ʼn dekade van sy geselsprogram DIS HOE DIT IS, vele films en TV reekse, verhoogdramas en musiekblyspele, agt boeke, tallose toekennings en duisende konserte oor vier kontinente, blyk daar by hierdie kreatiewe Boerseun min tekens van stoom verloor. Sy skouspelagtige momentum bly ʼn plesier om te aanskou.


Seating is 8 people at each table. We have made provision for different ticket prices. Payment is through PAYPAL. If you do not have a PAYPAL account, you may use your credit or debit card.

Children 10 years old and younger. Use the promotional code "pampoen" for a 70% discount. You are not allowed to use this for anybody over 10 years old. We may request proof of age at the entrance. You have to buy the tickets separately for children otherwise the discount is applied for all tickets. We will then require you to pay the discount recieved on the ticket at the door.

Infants are free as long as they share your seat.

Do not use the promotional code for the first two rows of tables. If you do your booking will be cancelled. These are tables 1 to 12.

There will be food and drinks available at the event. Email syla007@sbcglobal.net for more information.

Accommodation is available at the venue but limited. For information go to https://koa.com/campgrounds/lake-conroe/ 

Thanks to the following for their sponsorship and/or support that is making The Steve Hofmeyr Tour possible.

CASHKOWS - https://www.cashkows.com/ assisting you in accessing your funds in South Africa.

GRANT KAPLAN IMMIGRATION - https://www.american-immigration-lawyer.com/ We provide a full spectrum immigration law practice covering all areas of immigration and international law. These include all business visas, Green Cards, L1 visas, H1 and E visas, student visas, extensions of tourist visas, naturalization applications and all related categories.

The South African/American Chamber of Commerce intends to build relationships between individuals, families, and companies in the United States and the Republic of South Africa, by promoting and/or hostingcultural, social, sporting, educational, corporate, business and networking activities in both countries. https://sauschamber.com/

Baie dankie aan Zyla en sy span mense wat help om hierdie optrede moontlik te maak. Daar sal CD's te koop wees op die aand. Bring asseblief kontant saam.

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