Ivan Abramov
The specially invited wizard StandUp Comedy - Ivan Abramov, undertakes to prepare a dish whose taste and pleasant effect will be noticeable for a long time on the smiling faces of those who manage to be among the invited lucky ones. Those who are not prepared may tear their tummies, but this side symptom should in no way scare potential viewers, since all this will have an exceptionally positive effect on the general condition of the body.
Laughter, as you know, cures, so that you will become even healthier than before meeting. And to meet with perhaps the most intelligent comedian, a graduate of MGIMO, Ivan Abramov, who, after some deliberation, came to the conclusion that "it is better to be the most educated and diplomatic among comedians than the most comic of diplomats." In addition, he, as often happens, will not miss the opportunity to show off his graduate school of music with his skills, accompanying his numbers with a pretty decent piano playing.
Well, the considerable experience of the former Ka-Ve-Enshchik from the Parapaparam team also cannot be gained. It is he who allows him to feel on any stage, as at ease and freely talk about words - parasites and audio books, Ukraine and the theater, Russian rap, chanson and women's leggings. That is, there is no such topic that this highly educated and intelligent comedian could not support. In general, there will be someone to ignite and something to ignite from. A cheerful laugh is inevitable, a good mood is guaranteed, well, and the guarantor himself, armed with his best jokes, reprisals and numbers, is already preparing for the meeting.
For viewers (18+).