Doors open at 6pm.

Due to the nature of the show, we have a strictly 18+ policy, ID will be checked on the door.

‘You Won‘t Help Me’ truly is a play like no other. This is not just a play about domestic violence. The script was written by Phoenix Benham, who has created the play, based on her own experiences from three separate abusive relationships.


’You Won’t Help Me’ doesn’t just tackle domestic violence, it forces the audience to be completely immersed within the lives of the leading couple, watching their relationship evolve, and all of the very real situations they find themselves in.


This play is not just about the lead couple though, ’You Won’t Help Me’  also focuses on the people closest to the couple - Their best friends, and allows them to speak for how society often reacts to domestic violence relationships.


’You Won’t Help Me’ is a captivating, raw, very real look into domestic violence relationships, and how they REALLY happen, aside from what you usually see them depicted as on the TV.


This play will make you reassess how you, and society thinks about, reacts to, and feels about Domestic Violence.


Knowing that you’re watching someone’s real life experiences, in front of your eyes, really hits home just how serious this subject matter is, and we hope that we can get as many people as possible to jump on board and help us raise awareness, as well as a heap ton of money for charity too.