Introduction to the Foundation for Neurodiversity

Helping Neurodiverse Communities Live, Grow and Thrive!


What is Neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity refers to variations in the human brain which influence  socializing, learning, feeling and function differently than the neurotypical population. Neurodiversity promotes support-systems such as inclusion-focused services, accommodations, communication and assistive technologies, training and independent living support options, for the neurodiverse population.


The Foundation for Neurodiversity

The Foundation for Neurodiversity, Tampa Bay Region, is focused on providing additional help and guidance to neurodiverse people beyond necessary medical and health care assistance, and in addition to existing treatment. A number of our initiatives help individuals develop additional life strategies to cope and succeed in life beyond limitations. 


The foundation strives to develop and provide:

  • supportive tools
  • inclusion-focused advice
  • social opportunities for happier and more successful independent living for the affected population.

Our Vision is to have a more humane society inspiring kindness and respect for people from neurodiverse types who are provided opportunities to achieve their potential in all aspects of life.  



  • Compassion towards others
  • Self-purpose
  • Community participation and giving
  • Self-starter spirit
  • Generosity​




​"Focus Not on the Differences of People with Disabilities but the Talent of the Individuals"
Neil Milliken