Ticketor - How to: Use Your @Ticketor.com Email Address(es)

Use Your @Ticketor.com Email Address(es)

As you sign up with Ticketor, you will get 1 or more email addresses depending on whether you are using Ticketor.com as the domain name or if you are using your own domain or sub-domain name.

If you do not move Ticketor to your domain, you will only have 1 Ticketor email address as:

  • Ticketor.com@Ticketor.com

If you have moved the Ticketor site to your domain, you will have the following email addresses:

  • support@[Your domain or subdomain]
  • charges@[Your domain or subdomain]
  • info@[Your domain or subdomain]
  • information@[Your domain or subdomain]
  • orders@[Your domain or subdomain]
  • privacy@[Your domain or subdomain]
  • sales@[Your domain or subdomain]

Ticketor will never expose your personal email address. All outgoing emails such as sales confirmations, welcome and newsletter, will go out from one of the above email addresses.

Ticketor makes it easy to receive, send, or manage these email addresses from your personal email or a dedicated email of your choice such as Gmail or Yahoo.

Receiving Emails

Any Email sent to these email addresses will be sent to your Administrator(s) email address(es) by default. All administrators will receive a copy of the email in their personal email address, the one that they use to sign in.

You can change who receives those emails and where each email redirects to from "Control Panel > Account & Settings > Site Settings > Emails tab"

Hint: All emails originated from Ticketor or your Ticketor site including customer inquiries, sales confirmation, etc. include a hidden keyword, emTicketor in the body. Create filters or configure your email client to not send emails with this keyword to spam folder or mark them as important so you don't miss client communications.

Sending Emails

To send Emails or respond to emails from your Ticketor email address(es), you can use your existing personal email provider (Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, etc.). All you need to do is to add your Ticketor email address(es) as an "Account" or "Mailbox" or "Send mail as" account.


Go to "Settings" page and then go to "Write email" tab. Enter your Ticketor email address in "Add send-only address" box and click "Verify". A confirmation email will be sent to that email address and received in your Yahoo email. Click on the link in the confirmation email and the account is added. Next time when you want to send out an email, you have the option to choose the "From Address".

SMTP Settings

The email provider may require SMTP settings to be able to send emails from your Ticketor address. The SMTP settings can be found in "Control Panel > Account & Settings > Site Settings > Emails tab". You need to set a SMTP password for each email.

Example: Setting Gmail to send emails from your Ticketor account

In Gmail, go to "Settings" page and then go to "Accounts and Imports" tab. In the "Send mail as:" section click on "Add another email address you own". Enter the email address and give it a name and click on "Next Step". Then fill out the SMPT values as shown in the Site Settings page. A confirmation email will be sent to that email address and received in your Gmail email. Click on the link in the confirmation email and the account is added. Next time when you want to send out an email, you have the option to choose the "From Address".

Example: Setting Hotmail/Outlook live to send emails from your Ticketor account

Go to "Settings" menu > "Options" page and then go to "Connected Accounts" tab. Click on "Manage or choose a primary alias" link. Select the "Add an existing email address as a Microsoft account alias" and enter your Ticketor email address and click on "Add Alias". A confirmation email will be sent to that email address and received in your Hotmail/Outlook email. Click on the link in the confirmation email and the account is added. Next time when you want to send out an email, you have the option to choose the "From Address".

Other providers:

Other providers have very similar way of adding a sending account as Yahoo and Gmail. You can follow similar instruction to add the sending account or you can Google the instruction for your specific provider.

Note: You may need to sign out and back in for the new "from address" to appear.