Upcoming events by: IASC Theatre Department



Click on the button below to view a PDF with step by step instructions on how to order tickets.


Tickets will NOT be sold for cash at the event. Tickets can be purchased digitally on a personal device or on a provided chromebook in the lobby until the event begins.  


Please bring a printed or digital copy of your ticket(s) to the event. Each ticket will be scanned at the event.


 Purchasing Ticket Instructions 




Additonal Information:

  • For evening shows beginning at 6:30PM, the lobby will open at 5:45PM. The house will be open at 6:00PM. There are no reserved seats, seats are claimed on a "first come, first served" basis.
  • For matinee shows beginning at 3:30PM, the lobby will open at 2:45PM. The house will be open at 3:00PM. There are no reserved seats, seats are claimed on a "first come, first served" basis. 
  • Please reach out to Mrs. Gonzales with any questions at GracieGonzales@johnston.k12.nc.us.


The Witch's Princess
Written by Don Zolidis

Innovation Academy 521 Martin Luther King Jr Dr, Smithfield, NC 27577

IASC Theatre Department iasctheatredepartment IASC Theatre Department

Tickets 00 1000