Ticketor website builder features

8/25/2020 00:00

By: David

Ticketor's website builder features


You can use your Ticketor-based site in different ways. 
1. You can use it as a stand-alone website and even use it as your official website. By default your site address will be www.Ticketor.com/[TheNameYouChoose]. However, you can use the white-label feature and use your own domain (www.YourDomain.com) or sub-domain (tickets.YourDomain.com) 
2. You can add it as a ticketing section to your existing website. 
3. You can embed it in your existing website. 
4. You can link to the ticketing page from your website, Facebook, etc. 

If you use Ticketor as a website builder, you can easily add or update the content. 

You can add galery page with photos and videos, blog / news pages, free-form pages, etc.

This is a sample of a blog page.